Jack-O-Lope Shoot
The 2022 50 target Jack-O-Lope course is set. Bring your A-game against these rascally critters (clay targets). Love ‘em or hate ‘em, the targets range from close quartering to crossing, bouncing, and incoming. It will help you become a bunny expert or hate ‘em even more.
- 10:00am - Range opens
- Anytime - Shooters start anytime
- 3:00pm - Last squad out
HOA - Seniors, Juniors (17 and under), Women’s & Men’s traveling trophies for a year.
All shooters, resident and non-resident will be eligible to win trophies. Any and all Shoot-Offs will be conducted after the scores have been posted.
Additional Details
Youth National Sporting Clays Association members shoot free, Youths may register NSCA the day of the shoot, but are responsible for the cost of the membership.
Shooters may shoot multiple rounds for additional registered targets. Re-entry fee is $45 for adult and $25 for youth.
Adult Price $55Youth Price NSCA-registered youth shoot free / $33 non-NSCA members
Includes Target fees

All NSCA rules and CCSC rules apply. If you haven't signed the liability form, save time and sign it online.
Capital City Sporting Clays management reserves the right to alter or cancel any part of the program if the conditions warrant. All decisions of management are final.