Jack-O-Lope Shoot
Wonderful to see everyone at the Jack-O-Lope Shoot. Our favorite line: “Great targets - I could have done better, but I haven’t shot since last Fall.” As you see from the results below, it wasn’t said by the younger crowd - they dominated.
Champion - 43/50 Dylan Durbin
Ladies - 27/50 Sydney Steffen
Juniors - 34/50 Koby Durbin
Shooter | Conc. | Class | 1st 50 Birds | 2nd 50 Birds |
Justin Jones | AA | 39 | ||
Mark Sandness | AA | 32 | 40 | |
Kody Durbin | J | C | 34 | |
Stacey Gall | C | 31 | 31 | |
Bruce Leiseth | V | C | 27 | 22 |
Tim Berhow | V | C | 26 | |
Darin MacDonald | C | 25 | 26 | |
Larry Schneider | SSV | C | 24 | |
Bryan Jochim | C | 24 | 32 | |
Jeff Essler | C | 20 | 30 | |
Dylan Durbin | J | D | 43 | 40 |
Mike Rembolt | D | 31 | ||
Chad Butler | D | 30 | ||
Spencer Frith | J | D | 28 | 33 |
Bill Laber | D | 21 | ||
Jeff Laber | E | 35 | ||
Bryer Erickson | J | E | 32 | 34 |
Jamie Rembolt | E | 32 | ||
Mark Ezell | V | E | 30 | |
Mason Hanson | J | E | 27 | 35 |
Sydney Steffen | “SJ | L” | E | 27 |
Stan Beierle | SSV | E | 12 | |
Ray VenJohn | H | 38 | ||
Dave Steffen | H | 36 | ||
Mike Davis | H | 34 | ||
Jeremy Glass | H | 29 | ||
Houston Volk | H | 25 | 23 | |
Kelly Durbin | H | 25 | ||
Van Crane | H | 24 | ||
Andre Krebs | H | 23 | ||
George Laber | H | 19 | ||
Sam McQuade | H | 19 | ||
Dick Scott | H | 15 |
The 2017 50 target Jack-O-Lope course is set. Bring you’re A-game against these rascally critters (clay targets). Love ‘em or hate ‘em, the targets range from close quartering to crossing, bouncing, and incoming. It will help you become a bunny expert or hate’em even more.
9:30am Range opens
Anytime Shooters start anytime
3:30pm Last squad out
HOA - Seniors, Juniors (17 and under), Women’s & Men’s traveling trophies for a year.
All shooters, resident and non-resident will be eligible to win trophies. Any and all Shoot-Offs will be conducted after the scores have been posted.
Additional Details
Youth National Sporting Clays Association members shoot free, Youths may register NSCA the day of the shoot, but are responsible for the cost of the membership.
Shooters may shoot multiple rounds for additional registered targets. Re-entry fee is $35 for adult and $19.50 for youth.
Adult Price $50Youth Price NSCA-registered youth shoot free / $23 non-NSCA members
Includes Target fees and lunch

All NSCA rules and CCSC rules apply. If you haven't signed the liability form, save time and sign it online.
Capital City Sporting Clays management reserves the right to alter or cancel any part of the program if the conditions warrant. All decisions of management are final.