BSA Fun Shoot
Registration Form
Download the registration form
11:30am Registration & Hot Dog Lunch
1:00pm Safety briefing, shooting starts immediately afterward
4:15pm Chuckwagon barbeque, adult refreshments & silent auction
6:00pm Departure
All proceeds go to support the mission of the Boy Scouts of America, Northern Lights Council. The Council serves over 10,000 youth and 3,000 volunteers annually across 18 counties in Northwest Minnesota, all of North Dakota, and two counties each in Montana and South Dakota.
See registration form for more details. For questions, contact Dale Musgrave at 701-499-0647 or email

All NSCA rules and CCSC rules apply. If you haven't signed the liability form, save time and sign it online.
Capital City Sporting Clays management reserves the right to alter or cancel any part of the program if the conditions warrant. All decisions of management are final.