CANCELED - NSCA Level 1 Instructor Certification Course
This event is canceled.
At the Level I program, our goal is to provide beginning instructors with the knowledge and ability to teach the fundamentals. They should be able to instruct a shooter on such basics as setting up foot and body position for proper balance; setting up hand and shotgun position to move with the target; how to use the eyes to acquire a target; understanding why a target was missed; and why all this is important.
The purpose of the Level I Instructor Course is to produce an instructor who can teach beginning, novice, and recreational shooters up to entry level competitors in sporting clays. While attending the course, the candidate will be instructed how to teach the fundamentals of shotgunning, assess eye dominance and basic gun fit, as well as call a miss. While the Level I Instructor is not expected to be a proficient diagnostician, the candidate is expected to show aptitude for diagnosing the causes of a miss on targets of basic to intermediate levels of difficulty. Not everyone passes the Level I course; please be sure to carefully weigh your experience and understanding of the fundamentals of shooting a shotgun before signing up for the course.
Level I Prerequisites
Applicants must:
- Be an active member of NSCA
- Be 18 years or older
- Have at least two years of shotgun shooting experience;
- Have taken lessons (2 hours) from Level II or equivalent before the course
- Meet the Shooting Proficiency Requirement by EITHER having earned an NSCA C-Class rating at some point and shot a minimum of 3,000 lifetime registered targets OR by passing a basic Shooting Proficiency Test (SPT) during the course.
The course will be limited to 10 participants, so anyone interested should sign up with NSCA as soon as possible to reserve a spot. To register please visit the NSCA Site and:
- Fill out the appropriate ONLINE application at the link and included your credit card information; or
- Download and complete the application and either e-mail, fax or mail it to Lori Hartmann at NSCA Headquarters.
National Shooting Complex
5931 Roft Road
San Antonio, TX 78253
210-688-3371, Ext. 116
Fax: 210-688-3014
Keep in mind that, in order for you to be eligible to take the course and be certified, you must meet the prerequisites for taking the course and being certified. If you sign up, you will be receiving further details on the course a few weeks prior to the start date.
If you have any questions about your application or the application process, you may call the following:
Mark S. Sandness - 701-220-1003
Lori Hartmann ; NSCA headquarters, 210-688-3371, Ext. 116
Don Currie, the NSCA Chief Instructor, (407) 697-6236 or
Thank you for your interest in the NSCA Instructor Program.