12945 71st Ave NE • Bismarck, ND 58501 • (701) 484-CCSC


Happy New Year!

Welcome to Capital City Sporting Clays. We're glad you found us on the web. If you're a seasoned vet, welcome back. You may notice some changes we've made to the website. We're very excited to provide you with a fun and informative site. Here are some of the highlights:


We've added all the events for the year. Each event features dates, times, and descriptions as they become available. Once the event is over, we'll post results and photos in the events archive, so you can always come back to see how things went.


Our Events & Leagues area provides all the information you need for league rules, registration, and schedules. Once the league season starts, we'll post results on each league page.

Pro Shop

We're really excited about our new Pro Shop. We feature products that are available for purchase directly online and custom products. Our custom products include services like gun fitting and gun work and products such as Fort Knox safes and Electronic Shooters Protection. Hop on over to the Pro Shop to see what's available.

Check back soon for updates as our season gets underway. First up, Chilly Willy!

Upcoming Events

Recent Events

No events are scheduled.
View our past events in the archive.